
Showing posts from July, 2017

Hi Everyone!

Hi! My name is Holly.  This is just a place for me to add my random thoughts as a new mom, and anything else that catches my attention, to be honest. That could be anything from products that I or my baby love, books, coffee, cats or just a meme that is particularly hilarious. ;) Feel free to follow if you want but remember that this is my blog. My personal haven for my thoughts, opinions, etc. I understand that others have different opinions than mine, that is fine. I respect that. I also expect you to respect mine as well.  I decided to make my own blog after I noticed that a lot of mom groups and blogs are not very supportive. In fact, I have found that most blogs, sites and groups that are supposed to be the most supportive and unbiased for moms are really some of the most judgemental people I have ever seen. That is the sad truth. I suppose it is because it's behind a computer screen so they feel they can be rude and down each other. We are all mom's trying to do wha